
Connecting Systems

As a start, we bring the relevant communication means between our solutions and the wide range of industrial devices. To achieve this goal, we can easily audit specific situations at our customer sites and define the best approach to integrate the communication layers. We can adapt to multiple situation, from quite old or classics to very advanced devices:

  • Cabled signals : our solution can be connected to read/write signals with industrial devices (PLCs, machines, sensors, …)
  • Bus signals : ASCII signals, MPI, Modbus RTU/TCP, Profibus/Profinet, … are examples of communication layers that we can handle
  • Advanced communication protocols : we can interface and communicate via Soap or RESTful API, Web Sockets, MQTT, OPC DA/UA, through VPNs or not, any external databases or third party opened applications, …

Therefore, our solution can be connected to a broad range of industrial systems that are managing production lines.

Advanced Visuals

It is important for our customers to get enough insights about their production lines.
The parts of the solution that are connected to the sensors in the field and processing the production data within the back-end are also reachable via a Web Application serving as User Interface for the customers when it is required to access the system locally or remotely. Everything is customizable depending of the specific needs such as:

  • Charts of key measurements
  • Processed data that can be exported
  • Processed images
  • Quality reports
  • Email/SMS alerts

We use very up to date technologies to implement our Web Application solutions. They can be deployed on premise within our customers IT/OT infrastructures or in a secured Cloud environment.

Our philosophy is to keep a modern and rational approach by privileging open-source based technologies for multiple reasons:

  • Regular updates / tech notes
  • Everything is transparent, as the core code is open, bringing a higher level of reliability and security
  • A wide community around the technologies that are sources of knowledges to scale fast any troubleshooting

These bring and maintain our main strategy to be adaptable, agile and efficient thanks to our broad experience in the industries using technologies.